When two worlds or more collide...
That is what happens when the jet car season spools up at the same time as life happens. Jet car world meets Girl Scouts!! We always try to working things so they don't conflict with each other but sometimes CRASH!! they hit.
First part of the year for you GS rookies, it the infamous cookie sale time. As much as jet car parts, smells, meetings, phone calls suck up time, I now have a better understanding for it with cookies pickup, booths, phone calls, late nights, and all the other things that go with the mad rush at cookie time.
With the TDY trip and Disney trip over, the non stop cookie sales were winding up. For others, it is add up sales and turn in the money, but no not us. For Deborah is the COOKIE MANAGER for the neighborhood. Which means not only does she have to balance her troop, but the endless supply of troops in the neighborhood. Count and recount, add and re-add, checking that all the little troopers get the correct awards, deposit all the money and then finally be done.
Wrong!! She and another troop leader took on an additional fund raiser to help out the neighborhood. That's my girl!! It's cool except for the 900+ boxes of cookies in my garage!!
Where does this collide you may ask? Well we are doing a Car Show for the Girl Scout on April 1. I have been designing new handout cards, new t-shirts, and finalizing new sponsor before the date. Of course this means, My Dad, My Brothers, and myself bounce the ideas back and forth until a majority of us agree. Then get the new lettering done for the Invader and trailer for the new sponsors.
If that was not enough, we were coordinating to get some cars for a race on short notice for a track, plus help repair another jet dragster so they may race on the 1st of April.
So CRASH!!! With work, and race car, and girl scouts, it has been a lot of 2 am nights or mornings whichever you prefer!!
First part of the year for you GS rookies, it the infamous cookie sale time. As much as jet car parts, smells, meetings, phone calls suck up time, I now have a better understanding for it with cookies pickup, booths, phone calls, late nights, and all the other things that go with the mad rush at cookie time.
With the TDY trip and Disney trip over, the non stop cookie sales were winding up. For others, it is add up sales and turn in the money, but no not us. For Deborah is the COOKIE MANAGER for the neighborhood. Which means not only does she have to balance her troop, but the endless supply of troops in the neighborhood. Count and recount, add and re-add, checking that all the little troopers get the correct awards, deposit all the money and then finally be done.
Wrong!! She and another troop leader took on an additional fund raiser to help out the neighborhood. That's my girl!! It's cool except for the 900+ boxes of cookies in my garage!!
Where does this collide you may ask? Well we are doing a Car Show for the Girl Scout on April 1. I have been designing new handout cards, new t-shirts, and finalizing new sponsor before the date. Of course this means, My Dad, My Brothers, and myself bounce the ideas back and forth until a majority of us agree. Then get the new lettering done for the Invader and trailer for the new sponsors.
If that was not enough, we were coordinating to get some cars for a race on short notice for a track, plus help repair another jet dragster so they may race on the 1st of April.
So CRASH!!! With work, and race car, and girl scouts, it has been a lot of 2 am nights or mornings whichever you prefer!!
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